Value-added Retrofit Distribution

We Deliver on Promises and Operate with Integrity

A group of people sitting around in a room.

Tips For Improving Your Commercial Lighting Design

  Studies have shown that employee productivity and mental health are affected by office lighting, but so many companies are still using harsh fluorescent lighting and employees are still working in areas with little to no natural light. Even though lighting isn’t the go-to choice for businesses looking to increase productivity or even to save…

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A church with many pews and chairs in it

The Values Our Commercial Lighting Supply Company Adheres To

Many of the commercial lighting supply companies will talk about the number of years they’ve been serving their communities, or the number of square feet that they’ve retrofitted as an LED lighting distributor. To be honest, NES Lighting Distributors talks about these points as well, having been in the business for more than 20 years…

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A room with many chairs and tables in it

5 Types of Buildings Our Commercial Lighting Supply Company Retrofits

You’d have to have been living under a rock to not realize that lighting has changed dramatically in the past decade. As LEDs have become both a) more efficient and b) more affordable, buildings of every sort have started to replacing fluorescent light fixtures with LED alternatives. This often happens throughout the property, inside and…

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