Mountain View Elementary School & Meadow Brook School

Challenge: LED retrofit of old fluorescent fixtures
End-User: Town of East Longmeadow, MA
Installation strategy: Turnkey Project by NE Lighting, Inc.
Incentive provider: National Grid
Scope: This was a LED lighting retrofit project at two elementary schools – interior and exterior whose fluorescent lighting had deteriorated over time. The main energy conservation measure was re-lamp and re-ballast of the existing fluorescent T8 lighting; 4-ft. fluorescent T8s, 2-ft and and U-lamp fluorescent T8 lighting. In addition, incandescent bulbs were replaced; on the exterior, all of the building wall packs and some parking lot flood lights were replaced with LED lighting retrofits.
Technology Used: The majority of the retrofit was re-lamp and re-ballast of the existing linear fluorescent T8 lighting. The system chosen was the Espen CoreTech T8 LED and Driver.
Education K-12
Meadow Brook School
Total Lighting Project Investment: $90,839
Total Out of Pocket Cost for Customer: $0.00
Annual Energy Savings: $14,153
Payback Period: 4.46 yrs.
Est. Annual Maintenance Savings: $2,122
Total Annual Operational Savings: $16,276
Mountain View School
Total Project Lighting Investment: $53,412
Net Investment by Customer: $38,242
Annual Energy Savings: $8,697
Payback Period: 4.40 yrs.
Est. Annual Maintenance Savings: $1,304
Total Annual Operational Savings: $10,002
Holyoke Mall Large Scale Retrofit with cutting edge LED downlights
Challenge: LED retrofit of 860 downlights with latest LEDs at busy mall.
End User: Holyoke Mall, MA
Installation Strategy: Turnkey Project by Right Light Energy Services (RLES)
Incentive Provider: National Grid / MassSave Upstream
Scope: Replaced over 860 recessed downlights, which consisted of a combination of 8-inch and 12-inch downlights containing 100 watt and 150 watt metal halide.
Technology Used: Enlux recessed LED lighting. The majority of the project (700 fixtures) was the DL1 14 watt 8-inch tapered cone fixture; the remainder were the DL2 42 watt 8-inch and 10-inch tapered cone fixture.
Large Scale Retail / Commercial
Holyoke Mall
Total Project Lighting Cost: $178,359.95
Incentives: $22,390.00
Payback Period: 3.86 yrs.
Annual Energy Savings: $40,396.72
Annual Maintenance Savings: $3,312.53
Annual kWH Savings: 323,174 kWh
KW Reduced: 77.98 KW
Total Annual Operational Savings: $43,709
Roger Williams Park Zoo and Village

Challenge: Retrofit hundreds of outdoor and indoor lights of an elaborately landscaped 427-acre city park and zoo which houses over 900 animals and is on the National Register of Historic Places as one of the oldest zoos in the US.
End User: RI Zoological Society and City of Providence RI
Installation strategy: Self Install
Incentive Provider: National Grid
Scope: Replaced hundreds of outdated outdoor lights with cutting edge LEDs while still maintaining the classic feel of an 1880s zoo.
Technology Used: Interior commercial LED lighting, outdoor floods and area lights.
Large Outdoor Park
Roger Williams Park & Zoo
Total Project Lighting Investment: $96,082
Roger Williams Park & Zoo
Total Project Lighting Investment: $96,082
Incentives: $27,203
Annual Energy Savings: $11,093
Payback Period: 6.21 yrs.
Annual Maintenance Savings: $1,664
Total Annual Savings: $12,757
Skidmore College – Scribner Library CFL Retrofit

Challenge: Replace 100s of pin-based CFL downlights
End User: Skidemore College, NY
Installation Strategy: Turnkey Project by Right Light Energy Services (RLES)
Incentive Provider: NYSERDA
Scope: Replace 494 pin-based CFL downlights in a hard ceiling.
Technology Used: Enlux LED retrofit kits.
Education – Higher Ed
Scribner Library
Total Cost:$103,000
kW reduced:17.67
kWh reduced:155,837
Return on Investment: 20%
Annual Savings: $20,600
New England Electropolishing – Multiple LED and ballast retrofits

Challenge: Upgrade existing linear fluorescent lighting in their manufacturing / production areas to improve light quality, reduce electrical costs and reduce maintenance requirements. Of particular importance was improving the light quality in the material inspection areas, which is critical to their business.
End User New England Electropolishing – Fall River MA
Installation Strategy: In-house electrical contractor
Scope: Re-lamp/Re-ballast of over 60 fluorescent vapor tight high bays (6-lamps each) saving 111 watts per fixture; Re-lamp/Re-ballast of a combination of 20 fluorescent strips and troffers.
Technology Used: Espen 15 watt RetroFlex T8 LED tubes; 12 watt RetroFlex T8 LED tubes; 2-4 lamp ballasts.
Electropolishing Facility
Total Project Lighting Cost: $15,804
Incentives: $9,329
Payback Period: 1.89 yrs.
Annual Energy Savings: $3,428
Annual Maintenance Savings: $514
Annual kWH Savings: 23,812 kWh
KW Reduced: 6.96 KW
Total Annual Savings: $3,943